HE Malek Kabariti, a longtime supporter of the Sahara Forest Project, is appointed Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan HE Malek Kabariti is a longtime supporter of the Sahara Forest Project.
Prior to his appointment to the cabinet HE Malek Kabariti was the Chairman of The National Electric Power Co. (NEPCO), Jordan, and he is the former president of The National Energy Research Center, Jordan.
“I know the Sahara Forest Project technologies will work in our region because there have been similar activities, but not in the concentration and integration of all technologies together, where you can produce fresh water, you can grow fresh vegetables and where you can produce energy, all at the same time within an integrated system”, says HE Malek Kabariti.
Sahara Forest Project in Jordan
The Sahara Forest Project was first presented to His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan in 2010.
In 2011 The Sahara Forest Project signed a MoU with ASEZA securing 20 ha of land and pipeline pathway for a Test and Demonstration Center and 200 ha for potential later expansion.
More than 60 persons from 12 different countries were involved in Sahara Forest Project Feasibility Studies.
The main findings of the feasibility studies were presented at a high level seminar in Jordan in 2012. Kabariti had a prominent took in the seminar.
Based on the feasibility studies there has been put forward a proposal for a Sahara Forest Project Test and Demonstration Center to be established in Aqaba, Jordan. This center is proposed as a training and innovation hub working in close cooperation with the established expertise in Jordan and internationally on a wide specter of issues.
Sahara Forest Project: “Important for the whole region” from Sahara Forest Project on Vimeo.